Our Services

Bridging the gap between communication with expertise, compassion, and empathy.

Cerrando la brecha en la comunicación con experiencia, compasión y comprensión.

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Empower your child's communication journey with our specialized pediatric
speech and language therapy services. Our team provides compassionate care
and personalized treatment for children facing challenges such as speech delays, language disorders, articulation difficulties, and more. Using play-based and child-friendly techniques, we create a nurturing environment where children can thrive and build essential communication skills. Whether addressing early intervention needs or supporting ongoing development, our therapy sessions are designed to foster confidence and communication success. Explore how our expert care can support your child's language development and overall well-being.


Our speech and language evaluations offer comprehensive assessments tailored to meet individual communication needs. Whether addressing developmental delays, articulation issues, fluency challenges, or cognitive-communication impairments, our expert clinicians utilize evidence-based protocols to deliver thorough evaluations. Results are crafted into personalized reports, guiding tailored intervention plans for improved communication outcomes.

Tambien ofrecemos servicios en Español!

Considering speech therapy for you child?

Key Milestones in the First Two Years:
Children progress at different rates, but there are typical milestones they usually achieve by certain ages. These milestones provide a general guideline for development, but if you have any concerns about your child's progress, it's important to discuss them with your pediatrician as early intervention can be very effective.

By around 1 year old, most babies will:
- Locate the source of sounds.
- Respond to their name most of the time.
- Wave goodbye.
- Look where you point and say, "Look at the ____."
- Babble with intonation resembling sentences.
- Take turns "talking" with you by listening and babbling.
-May say "da-da" and "ma-ma," utter at least one word, and point to objects they want but cannot reach.

Between 1 and 2 years old, most toddlers will:
- Follow simple commands with gestures or words.
- Fetch objects from another room when asked.
- Point to body parts when requested.
- Point to objects of interest to share attention.
- Bring items to show you.
- Point to objects for you to name.
- Name a few common objects and pictures.
- Engage in pretend play using gestures and words.
-They typically learn about one new word per week during this period.

By 2 years old, most toddlers will:
- Point to many body parts and common objects.
- Point to pictures in books.
- Follow one-step commands without gestures.
- Use about 50 to 100 words.
- Form several two-word phrases.
- Start using a few three-word sentences.
- Be understood by others about half of the time.

Language Development in Young Children: Guidance for Parents
Even before toddlers speak their first words, they're communicating with you through cries, smiles, and responses. Understanding these early forms of communication is crucial for nurturing their development. Here's what to expect as your child grows and how to recognize potential delays in their progress.

Monitoring these milestones helps ensure your child's communication skills are developing as expected, and early intervention can address any concerns promptly.